World Sexual Health Day Canada
Consent! #WSHD2023
Since 2010, the World Association for Sexual Health has been calling diverse audiences to celebrate sexual health, wellbeing and rights for all through World Sexual Health Day (WSHD). Focusing on a unique theme each year, World Sexual Health Day is celebrated on September 4 across the globe.
In alignment with the Centre for Gender & Sexual Health Equity’s strategic vision to provide leadership in advancing gender equity and sexual health equity for all in BC, Canada and globally, we are pleased to host World Sexual Health Day - Canada.
For more than 10 years, CGSHE has worked to advance gender and sexual health equity through policy, practice and research. We are deeply committed to an intersectional feminist approach to recentre voices and leadership historically marginalized in conversations of sexual health and reproductive justice, including Black, Indigenous and other racialized women, trans women, and LGBTQ/2S communities. By taking an active role in supporting World Sexual Health Day events and initiatives across Canada, we hope to bring together likeminded organizations, groups and individuals working towards the same goals.